Digital Marketing & Graphic Design
Graphic Design
With the fast expansion of business internet ventures, word of mouth and inherited reputation are becoming more obsolete. In this day an age, more important is the first impression of a company, and often times this first impression is a website or some form of internet presence. So, how do you get that first impression to be a profitable one? Graphic design allows your company to stand out from the next, offering a vision of identity for your brand, services, or goods.
Company Logos
A logo is the name stamp of your company or business. Often times, a logo incorporates both a name and an image, providing a symbol that is easily recognized. Large brand names all have their own unique logos, many of which may be coming to mind currently. This is the main prerogative with logos; that a brand can utilize a simple image or colors to engrave an impression into a potential buyer’s mind. Involuntarily and psychologically, your logo provides that lasting and positive first impression of your company. Using the power of custom graphic design logos provides a company with a unique and recognizable presence, not attained through any other marketing service.
Utilizing a unique and custom logo is important to stand out from the masses, and graphic design services provide this genuine look. eThereal Solutions will work with your vision to develop the logo that you desire. Additionally, if you aren’t sure where to start, our team can offer suggestions of colors, texture, symbols, font, and more; which you may incorporate into your custom business logo. Once developed, your business will have a beautiful logo that your customers can identify with for years to come. Give your brand something to stand behind; a logo that instills your business objectives, slogan, and advantage.
Infographic Designs
Infographics utilize graphic design in a way to target specific audiences and better describe products or services through imagery. They are quickly becoming a go-to tool for business owners who would like a larger customer presence on the web. Infographics can be used for a number of applications including social media campaigns, display advertising landing pages, and displayed right on a website or blog posting. Custom developed infographics include:
Clearly stated information that is easy to read and understand
Clearly listed statistics that are easy to read and understand informing of services or products
Offer data comparisons based on research done on competitor companies
Present useful information that is never misshapen to encourage accurate comparisons about your products, services, or company
Can your Company Benefit from Internet Graphic Design Services?
Graphic design allows your website or any specific online presence you are going for to be completely custom to your company. Additionally, instead of offering boring text statistics or information, graphic design allows a more imaginative option for displaying helpful data that will help potential customers make a decision about your company. Give your internet visitors a reason to remember the advantage of choosing your company through innovative graphic design concepts!